New eBook By Deborah Smart, Publisher of Gladstone Publishing Services and One Smart Lady Productions and Publications Publishing Strategist
I was married to Donald Edward Karper from September 23, 1984 to December 16, 2003. "Joy Comes Through the Mourning" was written over a period of 1 1/2 years after Donald's death. The letters, poetry and spiritual games that I played helped me through the healing process. I originally completed the book in 2004, but it didn't seem like it was ready for publication so I put it aside. I continued to grow in my relationship with Christ, in 2004 I started my training to be a Certified Biblical Counsellor. I was totally immersed in my study of the Word and in discovering things that the Lord wanted for my life. Little did I know that in 2005 my life would take an even greater change with the entry of Willie Smart into my life. In August 2008 I married Willie Smart. In July 2011 I published "Joy" for the very first time. I offer it to you as a tool to help you or someone you know go through the dark cycle of grief and mourning. I pray God will use this book to help you rediscover your joy.
Dear Deborah:
I just finished reading your first novel "Joy Comes Thru The Mourning" and all I can say is "Keep Writing!". Your words not only allowed us to peep into your life opened the door, allowing us to see, hear and feel your every breath. As you prepared for your wedding, down to the visit at the hospital where your husband had just died. You may have written this for anyone who ever lost someone dear...but I in my third eye revisited my own life, evaluating not only the deaths within my family but the loss of a marriage and yes even for the child I had lost early in my pregnancy. This book is for any/ and everyone pondering thru their fears, their uncertainty, and even thru their disappointments.....But if you've ever witness pain in your life...then you too know JOY does come!!
And as I read about your Joy I embraced it as I embraced my own..and today I thank-you wholeheartedly for opening yourself up to your readers to captivate every thing you endured...and to know that we who know and believe in our Christ shall also rise above our own fears, trials, disappointments and yes even the deaths...But you bring perspective to our lives by reminding us there will be Joy!! Thank-you for a book well written and allowing us to know it will be all over in the morning...If We Just Believe".
I Loved It & Keep On Writing
Lois Dais-Kelley
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New eBook By Deborah Smart, Publisher of Gladstone Publishing Services and One Smart Lady Productions and Publications Publishing Strategist
The String of Pearls series follows the life and times of Pearline Jefferson, a black child, born and raised in the 50s and 60s.