Her poetry and songs inspire and bless those who read and hear them.
The Ballad Poetress is Barbara Janine Pierce. This book is a collection of her thoughts and prayers written in poetry and song. She has captured the heart of those memorializing their loved ones as she writes their heartfelt memory of the loved one who passed away. This book is a wonderful tool for bereavement ministries and also for writing groups learning how to put their feelings into words.
Hue is a little girl, confused about who she is and where she belongs. She does not have a good understanding of her value to the community. She sets out to search for her identity and her reason for being. Along the way, she meets with children who are mean and do not allow Hue to join with them. Join Hue as she travels the countryside. Like many young people who seek to find out where they fit in, Hue's journey is painful. She finds it takes loving care of others to help her see the value she has had all along. Author Barbara Pierce's brilliantly written and illustrated book is a wonderful tool to help young children work their way through their own personal journey.